Monday, May 14, 2012

Statement regarding FIT closure documents

The West Australian newspaper today published a couple of articles based on internal emails it received from a Freedom of Information (FOI) request regarding the suspension of the State Government’s solar feed-in-tariff scheme.

As QBF readers will know, I was the Chief of Staff to the Minister for Energy at the time and as such, have been identified in some of the emails published in this morning’s paper.

Given that the Opposition and West Australian newspaper appear to have uncovered a number of facts that are likely to embarrass and potentially damage the Minister and Premier, my political experience tells me that some may now turn their energies to retaliation.

In anticipation of that, I hereby make it absolutely clear that at no time, (including at the time of my departure from government) did I knowingly breach the Public Sector Management Act or any other relevant law.

Further, as an employee of government, I have never inappropriately distributed, removed, downloaded or copied ANY emails or other official documents or information.

Other than those legitimately provided to me under FOI, I do not have access to any email (original or duplicate) that I sent or received as Chief of Staff in the Barnett Government and have not endeavoured to access them since my contract expired.


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